Beggs Public Schools will continue with distance learning Wednesday the 19th. Please stay warm and safe. Thank you for your understanding. It's a great day to be a Golden Demon!
about 23 hours ago, Beggs Public Schools
Good afternoon Beggs family! With the incoming weather tomorrow Tuesday February 18th Beggs Public Schools is going to switch to distance learning. Please stay home, safe, and warm tomorrow. Be sure and check in with your appropriate teachers for homework. Thank you for your understanding and it's a great day to be a Golden Demon!
2 days ago, Beggs Public Schools
Beggs Public Schools staff members enjoyed a delicious breakfast Monday morning. The breakfast, in honor of National FFA Week, was served by Beggs High School FFA members.
6 days ago, Stacey Horton
FFA members serve breakfast
Good morning Beggs family! With the uncertainty of the weather and the temperatures continuing to drop we are going to play it safe and have a snow day. Please stay home safe and warm and we hope to see everyone tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding . It's a great day to be a Beggs Demon!
7 days ago, Beggs Public Schools
Beggs family, As we all know, this is the time of year when we see an uptick of cases of many illnesses. Although school attendance is crucial, it is important to remember that there are times when it is best for students to stay home to get better and to prevent the further spread of sickness. Per district policy a child MUST stay home if they have: * Fever >100.0 * Vomiting * Diarrhea * Undiagnosed rash * Pink eye or eye discharge If your child appears to be too sick to be comfortable at school or to participate in learning activities or if you are concerned that they might spread a contagious illness to other children, please keep them home. As always, if you have any questions regarding the illness policy, please contact District Nurse Roach at 918-475-6161 x507. Thank you for your efforts in keeping BPS a safe and healthy school. Audrey Roach BSN RN District School Nurse Beggs Public School
13 days ago, Stacey Horton
Keep Your Child at Home 2
Keep Your Child @ Home
Stay well Demons! Crews are busy today cleaning and sanitizing to welcome students/staff back on Monday.
19 days ago, Stacey Horton
clean 1
Good evening, Beggs family. Due to the overwhelming number of students and staff out sick, Beggs Public Schools will be closed on Friday, January 31st. We will take this time to deep clean and allow those sick to have a long weekend to get well. Please rest and get to feeling better. Thank you for your understanding. It's a great day to be a Beggs Golden Demon.
20 days ago, Beggs Public Schools
2025 Slowpitch Schedule Released BHS & BMS
20 days ago, Stacey Horton
2025 Slowpitch Schedule
Beggs Public Schools Gifted & Talented students enjoyed a Stem field trip to the OKC Blue basketball game at the BOK today. Thank you to G/T Coordinator Ms. Long for the field trip!
21 days ago, Nancy McCune
We recently received our School Pride® donation from TTCU Federal Credit Union for the second half of 2024. Thank you for using your TTCU School Pride® debit card and giving back to our district! If you don't have one, get yours today! #ttcuSchoolPride
21 days ago, Stacey Horton
TTCU Donation
Good morning Beggs family. Our side roads are hazardous and the temperature is extremely low. We are going to have a snow day today. Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day and we will see everyone tomorrow.
29 days ago, Beggs Public Schools
MLK Day 2025
about 1 month ago, Stacey Horton
MLK quote
Substitute Cooks Needed
about 1 month ago, Stacey Horton
substitute cooks needed
No School Friday
about 1 month ago, Stacey Horton
no school Friday
Good evening Demon Nation! Beggs Public School will be having a snow day tomorrow January 10th. Thank you for your understanding please stay safe and warm but maybe have a little fun in the snow too.
about 1 month ago, Beggs Public Schools
Due to inclement weather coming in sooner than expected, Beggs Public Schools will dismiss at 1:30 today to help with Bus routes and travel. Please call the school if you need help making arrangements. Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep the students safe.
about 1 month ago, Beggs Public Schools
2nd Semester Begins Jan. 6
about 1 month ago, Stacey Horton
Classes Resume Jan 7
Beggs High School National Honor Society members giving back today ringing bells for the Salvation Army. Great group of kids and future leaders.
2 months ago, Stacey Horton
Good afternoon! Beggs Public Schools would like to wish everyone an early Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Our gift to the students this year will be an early dismissal time of 1:30 on Friday December 20th. We hope you have amazing family time, and we will see everyone next year.
2 months ago, Beggs Public Schools
Check out our BMS Esports teams! Bring home that championship.
3 months ago, Stacey Horton
Fortnite top 10 finishers